May 17, 2010

Okay so...
After lurking around the web, I ended up at Amimaru's blog where I found something veryyy interesting...
It's called a La Tale Fashion Simulator and just as the name says, it does just that.

The first option is for female characters, alternatively the second option is for male characters
 * To zoom in/out 'hold ctrl and scroll up or down'

Information Tab:
  1. Save Simulation
  2. Load Simulation
  3. Top is to Nuke (start over), Bottom is to Cancel
  4. URL of your simulation
  5. e-mail the creator
  6. Switch gender
  7. Return to the Gender Selection Screen 
 I've Created 2 Simulations so far, wanna see wanna see? =3

Aren't they so pertttyfullll, xD
I love some of the fashion they have in this Simulator.

*Note: Nag Help Desk till we get some of these Fashion*

I'm not sure if this is the fashion of KLT (Korean La Tale) or CLT (Chinese La Tale) or both, but I know we Need it in American La Tale for sureeeeeee..


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